Tudtad, hogy a színek nem csupán hangulatunkra lehetnek hatással, hanem azt is kifejezik, hogy milyen valójában a személyiségünk? Melyik is a kedvenc színed? Kék, lila vagy épp narancs? Sokszor többet mondhat el rólad, mint hinnéd! Ebben a bejegyzésünkben megtudhatod, hogy melyik szín milyen személyiségre utal, és amellett hogy a tudásodat is tesztelheted, még azt is megtudhatod, hogy a hírességek milyen színű ruhákba bújnak legszívesebben.





Can you NAME the colours?

(a színek jelentése, vagy asszociációk adják a definíciót)

Solution: A person who cannot see the difference between all or some colours is ...


  • 1. dark, death, evil
  • 2. sunshine, the tropics, healthy food
  • 3. sea, sky, peaceful
  • 4. the sixth colour of the rainbow
  • 5. magic, mystery, plum
  • 6. fire, blood, Christmas
  • 7. earth, wood, autumn
  • 8. energy, banana, taxi cabs (USA)
  • 9. Barbie, love, candy
  • 10. nature, life, planet
  • 11. money, rich, the best



1: black, 2: orange, 3: blue, 4: indigo, 5: purple, 6: red, 7: brown, 8: yellow, 9: pink, 10: green, 11: gold
Solution: colour-blind




Stars' Signature Colours

Sarah Jessica Parker: Hot Pink

The actress naturally favours a hue as bright and feminine as her personality.

Similar to blue, it’s soothing and pleasant to the eyes. Naturally sweet in mood, it has a lasting girly appeal. Girls in pink tend to portrait a very sweet and pleasant image, always attractive to the guys.


Rihanna: Red

The musician turns up the heat in brilliant crimson from (literally!) head to toe.

An expressive colour extensively used in fashion. Most visible and lively of all colours, it creates attraction and excitement. It also suggests an erotic feeling... a lady in red?


Selena Gomez: Purple

The teen queen plays up her brunette beauty in lilac, lavender and violet.

Purple is a colour rarely found in nature. Purple has traditionally represented luxury, royalty, wealth and sophistication; purple is a colour of power also has a feminine and romantic appeal, especially lighter shades.


Demi Moore: Cobalt Blue

A popular colour liked by most. Emotionally opposite to red and yellow, it brings about a very soothing and relaxed feel, pleasant to the eyes. Naturally refreshing in mood, it’s a good choice for daytime wear. Fashion consultants advise wearing blue to job interviews because it has been shown to symbolize loyalty.


Useful vocabulary

English English to English Hungarian
hue shade, tone színárnyalat
soothing gentle, peaceful, relaxing nyugtató
appeal here: charm vonzerő
crimson red, cherry sötét bordó
lilac, lavender, violet purple tones lila árnyalatai: orgona, levendula, ibolya színei
sophistication very good taste kifinomult ízlés
loyalty fidelity hűség

This table might help you at the language exam when you are asked to form a derivate.

noun verb adjective adverb
colour, colouring (to) colour colour (TV), colourful, coloured, colourless colourfully
dominance, domination (to) dominate dominant, dominating -
person, personality (to) personalize personal personally
character, characteristic (to) characterize characterless, characteristic characteristically
adventure, adventurer - adventurous, adventuresome -
energy (to) energize energetic energetically
possessor, possession (to) possess possessive, possessed possessively
persistence (to) persist persistent persistently
impression (to) impress impressive, impressing -
intellect, intelligence (to) intellectualize intellectual, intelligent intellectually, intelligently

Now read about what your favourite colour says about you?
Can you identify the suffixes of the highlighted words?

Can colours reflect our personality?



If blue is your favourite colour, your mind controls the most important decisions of your life. You are dominated by the verb “to think” You are very intellectual and spiritual, though sometimes a bit reserved. A person who favours blue is sensitive and easily hurt.


Yellow is the colour of people who always look into the future, rarely to the past. They are characterized by the verb “to be”. They have easy-going personalities. You do your best to make your life relaxed. You are a bit lazy, sometimes. Problems simply do not exist for you.


You are persistent, possessive and quite selfish. You are dominated by the verb” to have”. You would like to have the best things, such as mobile phones, electrical goods. Green means that you don’t like change. You want to impress people but you are afraid of being unsuccessful.


If red is your favourite colour, your heart rules your life. The verb “to do” characterizes you. You are energetic, impulsive and fond of adventure. Red represents passion and energy. You are a good leader, you want to enjoy life.


A mixture of red and blue, violet represents a conflict between impulsiveness and calm sensitivity. A person. who prefers violet wants to find a mystical, magical relationship. You dream a lot and you are not so realistic.


Brown is the colour of physical health and it is an indicator of how fit you think you are. If you choose brown you are always restless and rather insecure. Physical appearance is important to you.


Black is the negation of colour and means NO. If this is your favourite colour, you are in revolt against your destiny. You are prepared to give up everything else in order to achieve what you want.




spiritual, easily, relaxed, selfish, unsuccessful, energetic, impulsive, sensitivity, relationship, indicator, appearance, negation.


English Synonym Hungarian
persistent determined, relentless kitartó, konok
impulsive hasty lobbanékony
to revolt to rebel lázadni
insecure unconfident bizonytalan, önbizalom hiányos
negation denial, refusal tagadás
reserved shy, distant távolságtartó
indicator sign, marker mutató, irányjelző
to be fond of to be keen on, to like kedvelni valamit/valakit

Címkék: külföldi celeb szubkultúra angol sztárok szótár colour szín nyelvtan szinek hollywood nyelviskola kifejezések szex es new york angol óra

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