New York celebjei (II. rész)

 2012.01.17. 16:14

Tudod, milyen hírességek neve köthető a legendás városhoz? 2 részes bejegyzésünkben erre kaphatsz választ: megismerkedhetsz a nagy alma szülöttjeivel.

A mostani 2. részben Christina Aguilera, Staten Island szülöttje fecseg a piercing-jeiről, és megtudhatsz egy-két érdekességet Jack Nicholson-ról is.


Staten Island

David Letterman interviews Christina Aguilera, one of the famous people who were born in Staten Island. Watch the video and answer the questions.



  • 1. How has Christina changed since Letterman last saw her?
  • 2. Where is she pierced?
  • 3. Does she want to have piercings again?



1. she changed her hair colour and does not wear her piercings, 2. nose, chin and ’special places’, 3. no


Other famous people from Staten Island:



Watch the video to see who we picked from Queens and answer the questions.

  • 1. What’s the plump woman’s name?
  • 2. When was Lucy/Ms Arons supposed to come?
  • 3. What is Lucy/Ms Arons’ job?




1. Doris, 2. next week, 3. efficiency expert


Other famous people from Queens:



The man who has a sharks’s grin and always wears sunglasses was born in Manhattan, New York City, New York, under the birthname of John Joseph Nicholson.

While reading some interesting facts about him, put the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tenses.


  • 1. He (live) __________ on „Bad Boy Drive /Mulholland Drive in Beverly Hills, California/.
  • 2. He (appear) __________ on a talk show since 1971.
  • 3. He (fly) __________ to Cuba and (meet) __________ Fidel Castro in June 1998.
  • 4. He (graduate) __________ of Manasquan High School, Manasqan, New Jersey, where he (vote) ___________ „Class Clown” by the class of 1954.
  • 5. He (nominate) __________ for an acting Oscar in five different decades /1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s/.



1. lives, 2. has appeared, 3. flew/met, 4. graduated/was voted, 5. has been nominated


Other famous people from Manhattan:

Címkék: külföldi film new york celeb bulvár usa angol sztárok staten island queens brooklyn manhattan nyelviskola amerikai angol the bronx angol óra

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