All I want for Christmas is You!

 2012.12.21. 12:03

Lassan végre lecsitul a vásárlási őrület és kezdetét veszi a meghitt szeretet-ünnep, amihez mi egyik kedvenc karácsonyi filmünkkel szeretnénk hozzájárulni. Ez a Love Actually (Igazából szerelem), ami alátámasztja a jó öreg közhelyt: a szerelem nem ismer határokat! Nagy színészek játszanak benne, mint például Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, Keira Knightley vagy Alan Rickman (Harry Potter Piton professzora). Blogunkban részleteket elevenítünk fel a filmből, amelyek segítségével gyakorolhatod az angolt, például most megértheted végre az All I Want for Christmas Is You című híres karácsonyi slágert. Tudtad, hogy ez volt az első karácsonyi csengőhangok egyike?

Ha nem ismered a filmet, itt az ideje megnézned eredeti nyelven! Ha igen, nézd meg idén is, mi is ezt tesszük sokadszorra, mindig van mit tanulni belőle! :)

Még jelentkezünk idén egy könnyed szilveszteri angol leckével. Addig is kellemes, meghitt, békés Karácsonyt kívánunk Nektek, kedves blog olvasók!



The film follows the lives of eight very different couples in dealing with their love lives in various interrelated tales all set during a frantic month before Christmas in London, England.


Billy Mack and Joe

You can watch the video here.

With the help of his long-time manager Joe, aging rock and roll legend Billy Mack records a Christmas variation of The Troggs' classic hit "Love Is All Around". He promotes the song in the hope it will become the Christmas number one single.


Juliet, Peter and Mark

You can watch the video here.

Juliet and Peter are wed in a lovely ceremony orchestrated and videotaped by Mark, Peter's best friend and best man. The video he recorded reveals that he secretly has feelings for her. You can watch the video here.


Jamie and Aurélia

When writer Jamie retires to his French cottage, he meets Portuguese housekeeper Aurélia who speaks only her native tongue Portuguese. There is an instant attraction between the two. When Jamie returns to England he realises he is in love with Aurelia. He learns her native language and goes back to propose to her.


David and Natalie

David, the recently elected British Prime Minister is young, handsome, and single. Natalie is a new junior member of the household staff at 10 Downing Street and regularly serves his tea and biscuits. Something seems to click between them.



Daniel; Sam and Joanna

Daniel and his stepson Sam mourn the loss of their wife and mother, but Sam has another problem: he fell in love with Joanna, an American visitor in the school. Joanna sings at the Christmas party so Sam decides to learn to play a musical instrument.

All I Want for Christmas Is You - Sung by Olivia Olson in this movie. The most famous performer of this Xmas hit is Mariah Carey.

You can watch the video here.

I don't want a lot for Christmas 
There's just one thing I need 
I don't care about the presents 
Underneath the Christmas tree 
I just want you for my own 
More than you could ever know 
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is... 

I don't want a lot for Christmas 
There's just one thing I need 
I don't care about the presents 
Underneath the Christmas tree 
I don't need to hang my stocking 
There upon the fireplace 
Santa Claus won't make me happy
  With a toy on Christmas day 
I just want you for my own 
More than you could ever know 
Make my wish come true 
All I want for Christmas is you 
You baby 

I won't ask for much this Christmas 
I don't even wish for snow 
I'm just gonna keep on waiting 
Underneath the mistletoe 
I won't make a list and send it 
To the North Pole for Saint Nick 
I won't even stay awake to 
Hear those magic reindeers click 
'Cause I just want you here tonight 
Holding on to me so tight 
What more can I do 
Baby all I want for Christmas is you 
Ooh baby 
All the lights are shining 
So brightly everywhere 
And the sound of children's 
Laughter fills the air 
And everyone is singing 
I hear those sleigh bells ringing 
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need 
Won't you please bring my baby to me... 

Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas 
This is all I'm asking for 
I just want to see my baby 
Standing right outside my door 
Oh I just want you for my own 
More than you could ever know 
Make my wish come true 
Baby all I want for Christmas is.


Useful vocabulary

interrelated egymással összefüggő
frantic viharos, tomboló
aging öregedő
promote reklámoz
be wed egybekel
orchestra zenekar
best man tanú (esküvőn)
retire visszavonul, nyugdíjba megy
attraction vonzalom, vonzerő
propose to sb megkéri a kezét valakinek
elect választ (pl. elnököt)
10 Downing Street itt lakik az aktuális brit miniszterelnök
click első látásra beleszeret
stepson mostoha fia vkinek
mourn gyászol
underneath vmi alatt
come true valóra válik
hang akaszt
stocking hosszú szárú zokni
mistletoe fagyöngy
North Pole északi-sark
reindeer rénszarvas
laughter nevetés

Címkék: külföldi celeb bulvár ünnep karácsony angol sztárok christmas lyrics nyelvtan nyelvvizsga manhattan nyelviskola love actually nyelvstúdió angol óra

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