Ha valahova Gordon Ramsey beteszi a lábát, ott kő kövön nem marad. A meglágyíthatatlan szívű mesterszakács előszeretettel kritizálja szakácsait, ám az is igaz, hogy ő a világ első számú főzőmestere. Így most Celebangol blogunk legújabb bejegyzésében is helyet kapott a mogorva brit. Ha az étlap nem csal, először egy Ramsey videóval találkozhatsz, majd bővítheted konyhanyelvi szókincsed, végül pedig gyakorolhatod a függőbeszédet. Fogyaszd egészséggel!



In this entry:

  • you can learn new vocabulary items to talk about sophisticated dishes
  • you can test and develop your listening comprehension with T/F statements
  • you can learn useful phrases to talk about pleasant and unpleasant culinary experiences
  • you can learn some terminology from menus
  • you can practice reported speech



Select the 10 ingredients the two teams chose:


English Hungarian
rabbit nyúl
haricot vert zöld bab
endive endívia
salsify salátabakszakáll
ham hock sertés lábszár
potatoes burgonya
scallop fésűkagyló
garlic fokhagyma
duck kacsa
turnip karalábé
crab rák
angel hair pasta cérnametélt
apples alma
haddock tőkehal
shallot mogyoróhagyma
figs füge
fennel kömény
tomatoes paradicsom
halibut óriás laposhal

Decide whether these statements are True or False. Correct the False sentences.

a) The aim of the challenge is to measure the ability of the contestants to work in teams.
b) The chefs are thrilled when they see the gambling challenge.
c) Each team member has the opportunity to roll the dice once.
d) Each team player cooks a dish with his/her ingredient in it.
e) Chef Ramsey thinks Dijon mustard served on baked banana is a genius idea.
f) The red team goes first because they won a challenge.
g) Sabrina is convinced rabbit is a great ingredient because she had worked with it many times.
h) The women have a list of ingredients which form the basis of a classic dish.
i) Henrietta Hippo is the name of a meat.
j) The girls find amusing what the boys come up with.

Red team:
rabbit, haricot vert, potatoes, garlic, ham hock
Blue team:
haddock, figs, apples, angel hair pasta, tomatoes

a) False. It tests creativity and spontaneity
b) False. They are nervous.
c) True
d) False. The team has to cook a dish together incorporating all the ingredients.
e) False. He brings it up as a bad example.
f) True
g) False. She thinks rabbits must taste good because they are cute and cuddly.
h) True
i) False. The chef has a momentarily black out and that’s the only thing that comes to his mind with ‘h’.
j) True.



A selection from the signature dishes of the contestants:

Butter poached lobster in truffle sauce
Vajban buggyantott homár szarvasgomba szósszal

Halibut wrapped in a banana leaf
Banánlevélbe csomagolt óriás laposhal

Creamy chicken Kiev
Krémes kijevi csirke

Brie stuffed with lobster
Homárral töltött brie

Seared ahi tuna wrapped in mint leaves
Serpenyőben átsütött tonhalszelet menta levélbe bugyolálva

Steak tartar
Tatár steak

Spicy chicken wings
Csípős csirkeszárnyak


When spending a delightful meal at a prestigious restaurant it is not enough to know what is on one’s plate. It’s also necessary to master the art of food criticism. Let’s learn a couple of phrases from the best of the best.

These appraisals are highly appreciated by the contestants because they come so rarely from Chef Ramsay. Notice the strong intonation he uses to emphasize his message.

a) That’s absolutely delicious. Great dish.
b) Tender, delicious, technically the steak is cooked perfectly. Well done.
c) Very brave wrapping tuna in mint, but it works.
d) Steak is seasoned beautifully.
e) That is good enough to go to heaven for.

It is a more usual occurrence in Hell’s Kitchen to hear insults flying out of Chef’s mouth.

1. Now what the f***k is that thing there? You messed it up a bit and I’ve been polite.
2. That was a disaster.
3. It’s rather pathetic. There’s not one appetizing ingredient in this dish.
4. The dish looks a mess.
5. The fish is undercooked.
6. Blend. What a shame.


Now let’s put Chef Ramsay’s invaluable thoughts into the reported speech:

a) Chef Ramsay said it was absolutely delicious.
b) He added that the steak had been cooked perfectly.
c) He pointed out it was very brave to wrap the tuna in mint, but it worked.
d) Chef told Sabrina that the steak was seasoned beautifully.
e) Chef Ramsay complemented a contestant by saying her dish was good enough to go to heaven for.

1) Chef Ramsay asked ________________. He added ________________________
2) Chef Ramsay said _______________________________
3) He said __________________________________. There ______________________
4) Chef Ramsay pointed out that ____________________________________________
5) He remarked that the fish ____________________________
6) He said _________________________



  • He asked what the f***k was that thing there. He added that she had messed it up a bit and he had been polite.
  • Chef Ramsay said that had been a disaster.
  • He said it was rather pathetic. There was not one appetizing ingredient in the dish.
  • He pointed out that the dish looked a mess.
  • He remarked that the fish was undercooked.
  • He said it was blend.

Címkék: külföldi celeb humor bulvár konyha szleng angol sztárok funny nyelvtan beszólás gordon ramsay manhattan nyelviskola hells kitchen nyelvstúdió konyhanyelv

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