Eljött a nagy nap, amire a Twilight rajongók várnak: a világ legkedveltebb vámpírja, Edward Cullen és szerelme, Bella egybekelnek.
Az eheti mozi premier örömére most a sztárvámpírokkal gyakorolhatod a nyelvtant, fejlesztheted angolodat, miközben kicsit betekinthetsz a kulisszák mögé.



Edward: (1) I’ve been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan.
Bella: I know I can do this.
Esme: Breaking Dawn Part 1 begins with an invitation to a wedding.
Edward: It’s a relatively momentous moment for this series.
Bella’s father: You’re ready?
Bella: Yeah. Just don’t let me fall over, dad.
Bella’s father: Never.
Alice: (2) Alice has planned a beautiful, decadent wedding along the lines of Midsummer Night’s Dream
Bella: (3) I’ve sort of been ramping up to do that scene for like three years.
Jacob: It was intense but it was great to be able to see that.
Edward: (4) I mean it’s been building up. (5) Edward has proposed to her about 50 times by now. I mean it’s quite nice – at least he doesn’t have to propose any more. I think that’s gonna be really exciting.
Bella: I think it’s beautiful. I love it.
Edward: I love you.
Bella: I love you.

It seems Rob and Kristin can’t have enough of present perfect sentences. But let’s see how we can master these tenses.


1.Which sentences (1-5) do the timelines illustrate?






a) 1, b) 2, c) 5


2. Match the sentences with their meaning.

a) time of the action is not mentioned
b) unfinished action
c) something happened severel times up until the present
d) an action which started in the past and continues in the present as well



a) 2 b) 1 c) 5 d) 3,4


3. Complete the sentences then check your answers in the script. Don’t cheat! ;)

I ______________ (wait) a century to marry you, Miss Swan.
Alice _____________ (plan) a beautiful, decadent wedding.
I _____sort of ___________ (ramp up) to do that scene for like three years.
I mean it _________(build up).
Edward __________ (propose) to her about 50 times by now.


4. Here you can learn the new words from the clip and test your knowledge playing games with the words. Have fun!


Címkék: külföldi film celeb bulvár esküvő angol sztárok nyelvtan wedding manhattan robert nyelviskola twilight alkonyat pattinson angol óra

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