Hamarosan itt az év legromantikusabb napja, amikor bonbon hegyek és virágcsokrok bukkannak fel úton-útfélen. Nem csoda hát, ha senki sem akar egyedül lenni Valentin-nap estéjén. Tehát, ha szingli vagy, most figyelj, ugyanis celebangol sorozatunk legújabb részében elhozunk neked egy igazi Randigurut, aki bombabiztos tippekkel szolgál az új szerelem megtalálásához. Teszi mindezt úgy, hogy még a nyelvtudásodat is fejlesztheted. És ki tudja? Lehet, hogy február 14-én már épp angolul fogsz flörtölni a randipartnereddel...


Match the words with their meaning

1. to be out with sb a. randizni valakivel
2. to blow sb off b. végső döntő
3. to mess sg up c. elrontani valamit
4. hot d. menő
5. concept e. szempillantás alatt
6. to hang back f. Ez nem lehet igaz!
7. to linger g. hátradőlni
8. to maintain the visual h. időt eltölteni
9. to respond i. szemmel tartani
10. definitely j. lerázni valakit
11. all of a sudden k. válaszolni
12. No way! l. egyértelműen
13. blink of an eye m. koncepció, elképzelés
14. high-stakes medal round n. hirtelen


1a, 2j, 3c, 4d, 5m, 6g, 7h, 8i, 9k, 10l, 11n, 12f, 13e, 14b


Fill in the gaps

- You cannot use what you do not have. So if you're shy, be shy. If you're _______, be outgoing.
- I'm not outgoing.
- That's okay. She may not want the ____________, but she does want the real you. She may not want to see it all at once, but she does want to see it. So tonight, when you're ___________ what to say, how you look, or if she likes you...just remember, she is already out with you. That _________ she said yes when she could have said no. That means she made a plan when she could have just blown you off. So that means it is no longer your job to try to _________like you. It is your job not to __________.
- The shoes are hot.
- You went to the _______ I told you?
- Yeah, but I don't think they're really me.
- "You" is a very fluid concept right now. You bought the _______. You look great in the shoes. That's the you I'm talking about. The key _______ is to hang back. Give her plenty of space. If she lingers at a photograph, move on. But maintain the visual. It's supposed to be _______________ tonight. So when you leave the club, walk a little. Ask her what she thought about the show...what was her favorite photograph, why that one. And when she __________, don't be looking at her mouth. Don't be wondering what she looks like naked. Listen to what she is saying and respond. Listen and respond. That way, when it's your turn to talk...you'll have something _______ to say than, "I like your mouth."
- What was your _________ one?
- The elephant, definitely.
And all of a sudden, we're on date ____________.



outgoing, the whole truth, wondering, means, get her to, mess it up, shop, shoes, tonight, 84°F and clear, answers, else, favourite, number 2



Rewrite the sentences using a modal verb (should, shouldn’t, don’t need to, have to, mustn’t) to find golden rules of a successful first date.

It is up to you if you worry.
You ________ worry.

It is a rule to pay attention.
You _______ pay attention.

It is a good idea to be confident.
Hitch thinks you ______be confident.

It is forbidden to stare at your date’s breast.
You _______stare at her breasts.

If you want you can dress up for the occasion.
You _______ dress up for the occasion

Give the girl space.
You ______give her space.

According to Hitch it is a good idea to be yourself.
You ______ be yourself.

Hitch’s advice is to maintain visual.
You _______ lose visual.



don’t have to, have to, should, mustn’t, don’t have to, have to, should, shouldn’t

If you have less than 5 correct answers, go and refresh your memory about modal verbs on this site: http://angolteszt.blog.hu/2009/03/25/modal_verbs_modbeli_segedigek_2

Címkék: külföldi celeb angol sztárok movie randi nyelvtan nyelvvizsga hollywood manhattan nyelviskola randiguru hitch csajozas nyelvstúdió angol óra pasizas

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