Ha külföldön járunk, bizony sokszor igen elveszettnek érezhetjük magunkat. Egy idegen város, egy idegen kultúra, azt sem tudjuk hol áll a fejünk... És akkor még nem is beszéltünk arról, hogyan találhatunk meg egy-egy látványosságot a városban. Sokszor a térkép sem segít, így segítséget kell kérnünk a járókelőktől. Legújabb bejegyzésünkben most megtudhatod, hogyan kérj útbaigazítást és hogyan értsd meg a helyiek válaszát...
És persze kikapcsolódhatsz a Waczak szálló egy vicces jelenetével, aminek segítségével szállodai reklamációban is profi leszel :)
Kezdőknek, újrakezdőknek is ajánljuk!


Watch the following video and fill in the gaps.


Mrs. Richards: Now listen to me. I _____________(1) a room with a bath. When I book a room with a bath I expect to get __________________(2)
Basil: (confused) You've got a bath.
Mrs. Richards: I'm not paying Seven Pounds Twenty Pence ___________(3) plus VAT for a room without a bath.
Basil: [goes into the bathroom] There is your bath.
Mrs. Richards: You call that a bath? It's not big enough to drown a mouse. It's disgraceful...
Basil: [quietly] I wish you were a mouse, I'd show you...
Mrs. Richards: And another thing. I booked a room with ______________(4).
Basil: [quietly to Manuel] Deaf, mad and blind. [Goes to the window] Yes, this is the view as I remember it, yes, yes, this is it.
Mrs. Richards: When I pay for a room with a view, I ____________(5) something more interesting than that.
Basil: That is Torquay madam.
Mrs. Richards: Well it's not good enough.
Basil: Well, may I ask what you expected to see out of a Torquay _____________________(6) window? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildbeast sweeping majestically...?
Mrs. Richards: Don't be silly. I expect to be able to _______________(7)
Basil: You can see the sea. It's over there between the land and the sky.
Mrs. Richards: I'd need a telescope to see that.
Basil: Well, then, may I suggest you move to a hotel _____________(8) the sea? [mutters] Or preferably in it.
Mrs Richards: What?
Basil: Nothing.
Mrs Richards: Anyway, listen. I am not satisfied. Nevertheless, I have decided to stay. But I shall expect a ________________(9).
Basil: Why, because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment?
Mrs Richards: Because the room is cold, the bath is too small, the view is _____________(10) and the radio doesn't work.
Basil: No, the radio works. [mutters] You don't.
Mrs Richards: What?
Basil: I'll see if I can fix it [mutters] you scabby old bat. (walks over to the radio and turns it up loud)



1. booked
2. a bath
3. per night
4. a view
5. expect
6. hotel bedroom
7. see the sea
8. nearer
9. reduction
10. invisible


When you are in a hotel, it is important to know the right words so you can get what you really want.

Try to find the definition for the following words:

a. single-bedded
b. non-smoking room
c. self-service
d. luggage
e. bellman/porter
f. cash
g. wake-up call
1. you cannot smoke in the room
2. all of your suitcases and bags you are
    travelling with
3. bills and coins
4. a person who carries your bags to your room
5. a service: someone calls you in the
    morning so you get up in time
6. you serve yourself
7. a room with bed for one person


a-7, b-1, c-6, d-2, e-4, f-3, g-5


Now we have a room, let's do some sightseeing. But where is the castle exactly? How do we get there?
With the help of the next exercise it won't be a problem to ask for directions.


When you want to ask the place of a famous site, try using one of the following questions.

Excuse me, do you know where the castle is?
Could you tell me where the castle is?
What is the easiest way to get to the castle?


You can see some directions below. Match the expressions to the pictures.

1. Go past the building.
2. Turn left.
3. Cross the road.
4. Turn right.
5. Go along the road.
6. Go down to the crossroads.



1-c, 2-e, 3-f, 4-d, 5-a, 6-b.


Important words to remember:

English Hungarian
Book a room Szobát foglalni
A room with a view Szoba kilátással
Reduction (Ár)csökkentés
Single-bedded Egyágyas
Non-smoking Nemdohányzó
Self-service Önkiszolgáló
Luggage Poggyász
Bellman/porter Hordár
Cash Készpénz
Wake-up call Ébresztés
Go past something Elmenni valami mellett
Turn left/right Balra/jobbra fordulni
Cross the road Átmenni az úton
Go along the road Menj végig az út mentén
Go down to the crossroads Menj el a kereszteződésig

Címkék: külföldi celeb közlekedés utazás hotel airport angol sztárok manhattan nyelviskola john cleese kifejezések waczak szálló felkészítő brit angol fawlty towers nyelvstúdió directions angol óra

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