Carrie Bradshaw és barátnői szinte visszatérő, kedves vendégek Celebangol sorozatunkban, hiszen már kétszer is tanítottak némi nyelvleckét. Most azonban végre az újrakezdők, kezdők is örülhetnek, mert ezen a szinten fogják Carrie-ék Szex és New York tudásodat letesztelni. Felismered leírás alapján, hogy melyik szereplőről van szó? Meg tudod mondani, hogy melyik csajhoz melyik ruhadarab passzol? Most meglátjuk. Ráadásul, még a divat alapvető szavait is megtanulhatod a segítségükkel, hogy külföldön is könnyedén be tudd szerezni kedvenc ruhadarabjaidat. Irány a próbafülke!
Do you know the SATC characters? Match Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda with their descriptions.
- A: She has long blond curly hair. She is quite short. She is very thin and strong. She often wears high-heels. Her style is extravagant.
- B: She has long brown wavy hair. She likes soft colours like pink, peach and yellow. She is quite tall and athletic. Her style is feminine and elegant.
- C: She has short red hair. She is very tall. She usually wears a suit because she is a lawyer. Her style is very elegant and serious.
- D: Her style is very sexy. She likes strong, vivid colours, short skirts and high-heels. She often wears gold and silver clothes and sparkly jewellery. Her hair is long blond and straight.
A: Carrie | B: Charlotte | C: Miranda | D: Samantha
Watch the video and number the outfits.
- A: Black lace gloves, skirt, high-heels, jacket, gold corset with sequins, gold earrings
- B: Sunglasses, headband, jumper, leggings, necklace
- C: Red dress with black puffy sleeves, black bra, black hairclip
- D: Diapers
- E: White top with white ballerina skirt
- F: Red bra with long red skirt
- G: Black dress with silver sequins, printed T-Shirt, black hat, big silver earrings
- H: Leopard print suit with black and white silk tie
- I: Turquoise cocktail dress
- J: Platform sandals, colourful leggings and dress
C, I, E, F, G, H, J, B, A, D
English | Hungarian |
dress | ruha |
puffy | buggyos |
sleeve | ujj |
bra | melltartó |
hairclip | hajcsat |
turquoise | türkiz |
cocktail dress | koktélruha |
top | felső, top |
skirt | szoknya |
sequin | flitter |
gold | arany |
silver | ezüst |
printed T-Shirt | nyomott póló |
hat | kalap |
earring | fülbevaló |
necklace | nyaklánc |
leopard print | leopárd mintás |
suit | öltöny, kosztüm |
tie | nyakkendő |
silk | selyem |
platform sandals | magastalpú cipő |
leggings | legging (lábfej nélküli harisnya) |
sunglasses | napszemüveg |
headband | fejpánt, hajpánt |
jumper | pulcsi |
gloves | kesztyű |
high-heels | magas sarkú cipő |
corset | fűző |
diapers | pelenka |
lace | csipke |
Whose are these? Match the items with Carrie, Miranda, Samantha or Charlotte. Write sentences using the possessive ‘s’.
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Whose necklace is it? It’s Carrie’s necklace. |
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Whose high-heels are these? They are __________________________ |
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Whose suit is it? It’s _______________________________ |
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Whose perfume is it? __________________________________ |
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Whose lipstick is it? __________________________________ |
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Whose headband is it? __________________________________ |
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Whose cocktail dress is it? __________________________________ |
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Whose scarf is it? __________________________________ |
They are Carrie’s high-heels.
It is Miranda’s suit.
It is Charlotte’s perfume.
It’s Samantha’s lipstick.
It’s Charlotte’s headband.
It’s Samantha’s cocktail dress.
It’s Miranda’s scarf.