Az év legfényesebb ünnepe mindenkinek tartogat egy kis meglepetést. Nemcsak a szeretteinkkel töltött órák igazi ajándékok, hanem a karácsonyfa alatt található kisebb-nagyobb csomagok is örömmel töltenek el minket. A szülők, persze, ilyenkor a legjobb ajándékot szeretnék megtalálni gyermekeiknek. Na, de mi van akkor, ha az illető épp egy celeb gyerek, aki bármit megkaphat, amit csak szeretne? Blogunk legújabb bejegyzésében beleshetsz Suri Cruise vagy épp Levi McConaughey ajándékai közé. És közben még tanulhatsz is!



When you have an idea of what sort of gifts to buy, holiday shopping for kids can be a lot of fun. There is something thrilling about knowing you have purchased the right holiday gifts for everyone your list. Because little kids get so excited about Christmas gifts, finding the right presents for kids can be extremely rewarding.


These celeb-inspired presents are perfect for the kids.


Match the descriptions with the headings.

a, They are a great way to spark creativity in children.
b, Bicycles, ride-ons, scooters, roller skates, skateboards and roller blades are all popular items for kids.
c, They capture kids' imaginations.
d, Video games that encourage them to move or work as a team are good choices.
e, Age-appropriate board games are also popular gifts during the holiday season.
f, Most kids could use some exercise, so get them moving.
g, Personalizing holiday gifts is a great way to show kids that you care, and kids love to see their names on things.
h, Kids can spend hours working on projects, and this may be a great way for them to spend their winter break, too.
i, For children, interaction is an important part of learning basic life and social skills.
j, Young children will enjoy picture books they can read on their own.
k, Engraving is also a good way to personalize a gift.
l, Don't forget to buy helmets and pads to go with the gift.
m, Buy something that represents your child personally or put her name on a backpack, purse or hat.
n, Sharing those classic stories is a gift that will last all year.
o, Older kids will like crafts that challenge them to develop skills; science activity kits or jewellery making kits would be perfect for them.



1: d, e, i
2: g, k, m
3: b, f, l
4: c, j, n
5: a, h, o


What makes toys the greatest?

Now watch the video and complete the phrases:

- they have l______ t_______ p__________ a_____________
- i__________ and h_________ c___________ be more c_______________.
- b____________ families t_________ during p____________.

th_______e in o___e c__________n

in__________r – o__________r game,

g_______t op__________y to t_________h your kids about fi__________s

ro_________c co__________n,
se_______e of h____________r,
am______________al m__________ts,
b_______t-in g_________s

in_________e cr__________s,



- they have long term play ability.
- inspire and help children be more creative.
- bring families together during playtime.
1 ZOOBIES: cuddliest, snuggliest, soft, three in one companion
2 BOOCHIE: hilarious, indoor – outdoor game, special
3 CASH CACHE: great opportunity to teach your kids about finances
4 TRI-BOT: robotic companion, sense of humour, ambidirectional movements, built-in games
5 ÜBERSTIX: incredible creations, unique


And not only children are eager to get a present.
Enjoy the joke!

Man: That train set looks fantastic. I'll take one.
Assistant: I'm sure your son will love it, Sir!
Man: (sighs) Oh, yes..... I suppose he would.
You'd better give me two, then.

Címkék: külföldi celeb bulvár ünnep karácsony angol ajándék sztárok gift christmas hollywood manhattan nyelviskola angol óra

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