Szilveszteri koktél láz

 2010.12.25. 10:50

A szilveszter megkoronázza évünket: magunk mögött hagyunk egy időszakot és tiszta lappal indítjuk az újat. Sokan mennek buliba kitombolni az évet vagy otthon csapnak egy baráti házibulit. Ehhez nyújtunk most segítséget évvégi könnyed angol leckénkkel: bemutatjuk néhány népszerű koktél elkészítését angol videóval, amiket szívesen szürcsölgetnek a világ számos pontján és hazánkban is: itt van a híres Sex on the beach, az ütős Lond Island vagy pedig a Mojito. Koktélozz Tom Cruise-zal és Velünk! Ezzel a bejegyzéssel kívánunk Boldog Új Évet minden kedves Olvasónknak! A következő évben is tartsatok velünk! ;-)


The World of Cocktails

Just for being in Cocktail mood :)


Watch the video than fill the gaps!


Last Barman Poet

I am the World’s last barman poet.
I (1)_________ America drinking the fabulous cocktails I (2)______________.
Americans getting stinky on something I stir or (3) ____________.
The sex on the beach, the schnapps (4) _________________ peach,
The Velvet Hammer,
the Al-La-Bam-A Slam-a!

I make things (5)______________ and froth: the Pink Squirrel, the 3-Toed Sloth. I make drinks (6) ________________ and snazzy:
The Iced Tea, The Kamikaze, The Orgasm, The Death Spasm,
The Singapore Sling, The Dingaling.
America you've just been(7) ________________ every flavour I got.
But if you want to(8) ______________________,
why don't you just (9) _______________ a shot?
Bar is open.


(1) see
(2) make
(3) shake
(4) made from
(5) with juice
(6) so sweet
(7) devoted to
(8) got loaded
(9) order


stinky smelly büdös
stir to move a liquid around with a spoon or stick in order to mix it together kavar, kever
shake to move suddenly from side to side or up and down felráz
schnapps a strong alcoholic drink pálinka
froth foam hab
snazzy bright, fashionable, and attractive divatos, stílusos
flavour the particular taste of a food or drink íz
shot a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink löket, kupica

Some Basic Cocktail Recipes

Cosmopolitan1. Cosmopolitan

Prepare in small rocks glass

  • squeeze 4 lime wedges
  • 50ml cranberry juice
  • 25ml Smirnoff Black
  • 25 ml Cointreau

Fill cocktail glass with ice, set aside. Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker with ice and shake well. Tip out ice from cocktail glass. Strain drink into glass and garnish with a lemon twist.



Mojito2. Mojito

Build in a tall cocktail glass

  • 1 bar spoon of sugar
  • 6 lime wedges
  • 8 mint leaves
  • 50 ml Pampero Rum
  • soda
  • mint sprig and lime wheel

Put in the glass the lime, sugar and mint leaves. Crush them. Add cracked ice. Pour rum. Add 2 ice cubes. Stir gently. Pour soda water. For decoration a Mint sprig and Large straw.



Martini3. Martini

Martini Glass!

  • Martini Extra Dry 20 ml
  • 50 ml Tanqueray Ten gin / Vodka
  • lemon/lime zest

Put ice cubes into mixing glass. Pour gin and vermouth over ice and stir well to mix. Strain into cocktail glass and decorate with zest/olive.



Sex on the Beach4. Sex on the Beach


  • 3/4 shot peach schnapps
  • 1 shot vodka
  • 3/4 shot chambord (Black Raspberry Liqueur)
  • splash cranberry juice
  • splash orange juice
  • splash pineapple juice

Add ice to glass pour in shot of vodka add peach shnapps mix with orange, cranberry and raspberry. Serve with an ubrella and a mixer stick and a fancy straw and an orange slice on side of glass.

You can watch the video here.


Long Island Iced Tea5. Long Island Iced Tea


  • 1 Measure vodka
  • 1 Measure gin
  • 1 Measure white rum
  • 1 Measure tequila
  • 1 Measure triple sec
  • 3 Measures orange juice
  • to topp up the glass coke

In a tall glass, add ice and all the ingredients and stir well. It should have the appearance of cloudy tea. Top with a piece of lemon.

You can watch the video here.



English Hungarian
recipe recept
ingredient hozzávaló
wedge ék alakú szelet
strain szűrni
garnish díszit
sprig ágacska
cracked ice jégdara
pour önt
ice cube jégkocka
straw szívószál
gently óvatosan
stir kever
zest narancs/citrom héja
muddle összekever
splash fröcsköl
measure mérték

Bar Tools

Match the words and the pictures
I. Cocktail Shaker
II. Measuring Cup
III. Glasses
IV. Wine pourer
V. Stirrer
VI. Muddler
VII. Strainer


I. B
V. D

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