Mit csinált John Travolta a Pulp Fiction előtt? Sandra Dee-t csak anyukád ismerte?

Bulik, jó zene, szerelem, intrika ceruza szoknyában és csőgatyában 1979-ből. Egy világ, amire ma is vágyunk, és ha elmúlt mindig visszasírjuk. Merülj el egy kicsit a habjaiban, mosolyogj nagyokat, és tanuld meg, hogy majd te is mesélhess róla a gyerekeidnek. Akár angolul!



How much do you know about the two superstars of the musical? Try this quiz! Decide if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE.

Check your answers in the texts below.

John Travolta

  • 1. Travolta’s mother was Italian.
  • 2. John has three children.
  • 3. His favourite hobby is flying.
  • 4. John Travolta is Roman Catholic.

John Joseph Travolta was born February 18, 1954. He lived in Englewood, New Jersey, a suburb of New York City. His father, Salvatore Travolta was a semi-professional American football player and later tire salesman and partner in a tire company. His mother, Helen Cecilia was an actress and singer. Travolta had 5 siblings, two boys and three girls. Travolta's father was a second-generation Italian American and his mother was Irish American; he grew up in an Irish-American neighborhood. He grew up as Roman Catholic, but he became a scientologist in 1975.

Travolta married actress Kelly Preston in 1991. The couple had a son,Jett, who was born in 1992 and died in 2009. Their daughter, Ella Bleu, was born in 2000. On May 18, 2010, Travolta and Preston announced that she was pregnant with the couple's third child. Their son, Benjamin, was born on November 23, 2010 in Florida.

Travolta is a certified private pilot and owns five aircrafts.


Olivia Newton-John

  • 1. Olivia’s father was a scientist.
  • 2. She is an only child.
  • 3. Olivia was born in Australia.
  • 4. She is an actress and a singer.

Olivia Newton-John was born 26 September 1948 in Cambridge, England. Her father, Brinley ("Bryn") Newton-John, was Welsh, and her mother, Irene Born was German, the eldest child of the Nobel prize-winning atomic physicist Max Born. Olivia has two siblings; Hugh and Rona.

In 1954 the family emigrated to Melbourne, Australia.

Olivia is an actress and singer (pop, country) and she has sold more than 100 million albums worldwide.

She survived breast cancer in 1992. Since then she has been an activist for health-awareness and also for environmental and animal rights issues.


Useful vocabulary

English Hungarian
suburb külváros/kertváros
semi-professional félprofi
tyre (autó)gumi, abroncs
salesman kereskedő
sibling testvér
second-generation második generációs
grow, grew, grown up felnő
neighbourhood környék
become, became, become válik vmivé
announce bejelent
certified okleveles
aircraft repülőgép
the eldest a legidősebb
atomic physicist atomfizikus
emigrate kivándorol
worldwide világszerte
survive túlél
since then azóta
awareness tudatosság
environmental környezeti / környezetvédelmi
rights jogok
issue kérdés/téma/ügy


This is maybe the most famous song of the musical.

Watch it and then answer this question:

How many signs can you see (in the „Fun House”) and what do they say?



Let’s sing together!
I got chills, they're multiplyin', and I'm losin' control
Cause the power you're supplyin', it's electrifyin'

You better shape up, cause I need a man,
and my heart is set on you
You better shape up, you better understand,
to my heart I must be true
Nothing left, nothing left for me to do

You're the one that I want
(you are the one I want), ooh ooh ooh, honey
The one that I want (you are the one I want),
ooh ooh ooh, honey
The one that I want (you are the one I want),
ooh ooh ooh, honey
The one I need (the one I need),
oh yes indeed (yes indeed)

If you're filled with affection,
You're too shy to convey
Meditate my direction, feel your way

I better shape up,
cause you need a man
I need a man,
Who can keep me satisfied
I better shape up, if I'm gonna prove
You better prove, that my fate is justified
Are you sure?
Yes I'm sure down deep inside

Címkék: külföldi celeb usa sztárok dalszöveg nyelvtan john travolta hollywood manhattan nyelviskola amerikai angol olivia newton john grease

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TrueY · 2011.08.24. 10:23:37

Az egész cikkben nincsen "tyre". Az vagyon írva, hogy "tire salesman". No most akkor mi volt? A wikipedia szerint ( ) a tire É.Amerikai, a másik meg British. :) Ezek szerint Travolta tire salesman volt, mielőtt beállt a biznic egyházba tetántalanodni...

TrueY · 2011.08.24. 10:26:21

"This is maybe the most famous song of the musical."

Én a tüzes istennyilát jobban szeretem. :)

A második közös képükön Olvia úgy néz ki, mint a saját öreganyukája... Nem egy előnyös fotó.

ózsé 2011.08.24. 13:20:36

Kedves TrueY! Teljesen igazad van! A szövegben az autógumi amerikai/kanadai (tire) variánsa szerepel, míg a szószedetben a brit (tyre). Viszont mindkettő ugyanazt jelenti :-) Nagyon köszönöm, hogy felhívtad erre a figyelmet, hiszen az angolszász országokban előforduló kisebb-nagyobb írásmód-béli különbségek ismerete is segíti a nyelvtanulást.

A pontatlanságért elnézést kérek: sorry, my bad!

Én viszont azt jegyezném meg, hogy ha egy icipicit figyelmesebben elolvasod a rövidke szöveget, észreveheted, hogy nem John Travolta, hanem az APJA volt "tire/tyre salesman", aki pedig nem szcientológus (legalábbis tudomásom szerint)

Sok szeretettel várjuk észrevételeidet továbbra is!
üdv: Zsuzsa (celebangol stáb tag)

TrueY · 2011.08.24. 16:45:27

@ózsé: Ott a pont! :) Az apuci volt ótógummancs kereskedő... :)
süti beállítások módosítása