Míg mi, nyugati nők fittness termekben izzadunk a szépségünkért, hogy legalább  még egy kilót lefaragjunk súlyunkból, van olyan ország is  ahol a háj és a narancsbőr szexszimbólumnak számít. E heti blogunkban sztárok nyilatkoznak arról, hogy a szépségipar miként kényszeríti őket folyamatos koplalásra, de igazi kultúrsokként láthatod az ellenkezőjét is: egy afrikai édesanyát, aki fizikai erőszakkal evésre kényszeríti a lányát, hogy majd kövéren könnyebben férjet találjon. E leckénkkel megtanulhatod az étkezéssel és fogyókúrával kapcsolatos szókincset.


Extreme dieting to look beautiful

Women all over the world do their best to come up to the expectations, and look ideal. Have you ever thought about the most beautiful women’s life? They suffer a lot to meet the standards, even if by doing so they risk their own health.


Szint: kezdő - középhaladó
Level: Elementary- pre- intermediate


First look at the expressions connected to dieting and match the opposites.

1) lose weight a) have the right body mass index (BMI)
2) healthy food b) gain / put on weight
3) stick to a diet c) break a diet
4) skinny/thin d) don’t care about the calories
5) zero size model e) junk food
6) suffer from anorexia f) plus size model
7) count the calories g) fat


1-b, 2-e, 3-c, 4-g, 5-f, 6-a, 7-d


Now read what the stars say about their bodies and the fashion industry, then answer the questions.


Kate Moss: I’m not anorexic!


  • 1. Why didn’t Kate eat for a long time?
  • 2. Where did she see that she was too thin?


Supermodel Kate Moss has blamed the fashion industry for making her too thin.

In an interview with America’s Interview magazine, the model said that she never wanted to be skinny.

“I didn’t eat for a long time. Not on purpose. You'd be on shoots with bad food or get on a plane and the food would be so disgusting you couldn't eat it,”

“You go to a show and there's no food at all ... I remember standing up in the bath one day and ... I was so thin! I was never anorexic ... I remember thinking, I don't want to be this skinny,” she added.


English Hungarian
blame hibáztatni
on purpose szándékosan
disgusting gusztustalan
add hozzátesz, hozzáfűz

Tyra Banks: I’m not fat!


  • 3. What did the agent tell Tyra?


The ex-supermodel Tyra Blank has been criticised for her weight many times.

“When I became a model one day I said to my mom:

You know what, I'm 123 pounds (56kg) 5 feet 10 (approx. 178 cm), and my agent's told me to lose 10 pounds (4.5 kg) ", and my mom said: ‘That's crazy’,

“I changed my career; and started doing Victoria's Secret.“

Banks said she has always weighed 20 to 30 pounds (9-13 kg) more than most supermodels.


Keira Knightely: I’m healthy!


  • 4. Why did Keira go to the doctor?
  • 5. Who suffered from anorexia in her family?


‘I've got a lot of experience with anorexia - my grandmother and great-grandmother suffered from it, and I had a lot of friends at school who suffered from it, But I don't have it, I am very sure of that.’

Last year the star visited her doctor for advice on how to gain weight.

She said: 'I went to the doctor to be checked out and asked him what I could do to put on weight.‘

'He told me that, for someone of my body type to get to a size 12 (approx. 38-40), I would have to eat a lot of junk food, stop exercising and drink loads.


English Hungarian
experience tapasztalat
suffer from szenved valamitől
advice tanács


  • 1) When she worked, there wasn’t any food, or the food they gave her was bad.
  • 2) in the bath
  • 3) he told her to lose weight
  • 4) she wanted to put on weight
  • 5) her grandmother and great-grandmother


Szint: haladó - felsőhaladó
Level: Intermediate /Upper-intermediate



In Mauritania (Africa) women follow extreme dieting in order to look beautiful. In this country, where food is scarce, fat is a symbol of beauty. Young girls are force-fed up to 16.000 calories a day because men find mounds of female flesh erotic.
The tradition of force feeding is called 'gavage.'

In a country where food is scarce and famine is regular a fat person represents health, wealth and ultimately beauty. In this culture there’s particular emphasis on making young girls fat. To conceive you need a certain amount of body fat so thighs hips, and breast feeding are signals which show to men and the community that this is a fertile woman who’ll be able to conceive children. In this country fat women are enormously attractive to men.

Now watch a video about how a Mauritanian mother is trying to make her daughter beautiful


And when you have recovered from the shock … answer the questions.


  • 1) What are skinny girls considered to be in the countryside?
  • 2) What is the main source of fat and protein in the countryside?
  • 3) How does the mother in the film torture her daughter?
  • 4) What is the estimated number of Mauritanians who have undergone ‘gavage’?


English Hungarian
scarce ritka
force feed erőszakkal megetet, megtöm
mound kupac, halom
famine éhség
conceive teherbe esik/megfogan
breast feeding szoptatás
millet köles
acute pancreatitis akut hasnyálmirigy gyulladás
gastric complications emésztőrendszeri szövődmények
child abuse gyermekbántalmazás


  • 1) They think skinny girls are shame and scandals to the family.
  • 2) Cow, and camel milk thickened with powdered millet and butter.
  • 3) She causes pain with the sticks.
  • 4) It is estimated that one in five women have undergone ‘gavage’.

Címkék: külföldi celeb fashion angol sztárok manhattan nyelviskola kifejezések nyelvstúdió angol óra

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