Senki sem tudja, hogy honnan erednek a babonák, az azonban biztos, hogy már több évszázada (vagy akár évezrede) velünk vannak olyan népi hitek, minthogy a fekete macska balszerencsét hoz vagy, hogy nem szabad átsétálni egy létra alatt. Azt hitted, hogy ez csak magyar sajátosság? Mostani bejegyzésünkből kiderül, hogy ez egyáltalán nem így van. Az angolszász nyelvterületeken élők legalább olyan babonások, mint mi. Sőt, még osztoznak is velünk néhány városi legendán. Tudni szeretnéd, hogy melyikeken? Olvass tovább!



According to the dictionary, Superstition is an irrational belief arising from ignorance or fear. There are superstitions for almost all aspects of our daily lives and most have unknown origins. Here is a list of some weird superstitions from English speaking countries.

1. In some areas black Rabbits are thought to host the souls of human beings. White Rabbits are said to be really witches and some believe that saying 'White Rabbit' on the first day of each month brings luck. A common lucky charm is a Rabbit's foot, but not for the Rabbit. :)


2. Leave a white tablecloth on a table overnight and expect a death.


3. When finished eating a boiled egg, push the spoon through the bottom of the empty shell to let the devil out.


4. Unlucky to spill salt. If you do, you must throw it over your shoulder to counteract the bad luck.


5. Unlucky to open an umbrella indoors.


6. The number thirteen is unlucky. Friday the thirteenth is a very unlucky day. Friday is considered to be an unlucky day because Jesus was crucified on a Friday.


7. Unlucky to put new shoes on the table.


8. Unlucky to pass someone on the stairs.


9. Lucky to meet a black cat. Black Cats are featured on many good luck greetings cards and birthday cards in England.


10. A bird in the house is a sign of a death (of course it doesn’t apply to your pet parrot).


11. A loaf of bread should never be turned upside down after a slice has been cut from it.


12. Never take a broom along when you move. Throw it out and buy a new one.


13. If the first butterfly you see in the year is white, you will have good luck all year.


14. An acorn at the window will keep lightning out.


15. A dog howling at night when someone in the house is sick is a bad omen.


16. A horseshoe hung in the bedroom will keep nightmares away.


17. If you catch a falling leaf on the first day of autumn you will not catch a cold all winter.



1. Which of the above listed superstitions are similar to those in your country?



4., 6., 15.



English Hungarian
acorn makk
broom seprű
lucky charm amulett
counteract ellensúlyoz
consider tart valamit valaminek, figyelembe vesz
crucify keresztre feszít
(egg) shell tojáshéj
horseshoe patkó
howl vonyít
nightmare rémálom
pass someone megelőz valakit
slice szelet
spill salt kiönti/kiszórja a sót

Címkék: külföldi babona angol manhattan nyelviskola culture balszerencse bad luck angol óra superstitions

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