New York celebjei (I. rész)

 2012.01.17. 13:37

Alicia Keys megénekelte minden csodáját, Woody Allen pedig egyenesen a múzsájának tartja New Yorkot – na de tudod, milyen hírességek neve köthető még a legendás városhoz? 2 részes bejegyzésünkben erre kaphatsz választ: megismerkedhetsz a nagy alma szülöttjeivel. A mostani részben felidézzük Billy Joel híres slágerét, a New York State of Mind c. dalt és megnézhetsz egy videót Brooklyn híres-hírhedt szülöttével is.


NEW YORK, New York, big city of dream ...

New York has 5 boroughs: Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, The Bronx and Staten Island.


Billy Joel was born in the Bronx.
Listen to his famous song ’New York State of Mind’ and fill in the gaps.



Some folks like to get away
Take a holiday from the neighbourhood
Hop a flight to 1. ______________
Or to 2. ______________
But I'm taking a Greyhound
On the 3. ______________ River Line
I'm in a New York state of mind 

I've seen all the 4. ______________
In their fancy cars and their 5. ______________
Been high in the Rockies under the evergreens
But I know what I'm needing
And I don't want to waste more time
I'm in a New York state of mind 

It was so easy living day by day
Out of touch with the rhythm and blues
But now I need a little give and take
The 6. ______________, The Daily News 

It comes down to reality
And it's fine with me 'cause I've let it slide
Don't care if it's 7. ______________ or on Riverside
I don't have any reasons
I've left them all behind
I'm in a New York state of mind 

It was so easy living day by day
Out of touch with the rhythm and blues
But now I need a little give and take
The New York Times, 8. ______________ 

It comes down to reality
And it's fine with me 'cause I've let it slide
Don't care if it's Chinatown or on 9. ______________
I don't have any reasons
I've left them all behind
I'm in a New York state of mind 

I'm just taking a 10. ______________ on the Hudson River Line
'Cause I'm in a New York state of mind 



1. Miami Beach, 2. Hollywood, 3. Hudson, 4. movie stars, 5. limousines, 6. New York Times, 7. Chinatown, 8. The Daily News, 9. Riverside, 10. Greyhound


Other famous people from the Bronx:



Watch the video and see who the famous person born in Brooklyn is :)

» You can watch the video here.

Now watch the second video and try to catch some of his „definitions” of himself.



a convicted rapist, a hellraiser (= wild), a father (a loving father), a semi-good husband


Other famous people from Brooklyn:

Címkék: külföldi film new york celeb bulvár usa angol sztárok staten island queens brooklyn manhattan nyelviskola amerikai angol the bronx angol óra

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