A férfiak és a nők néha totál félreértik egymást. „Hiszen mindkettő mást akar. A férfi: a nőt. A nő: a férfit.” – ezt már Karinthy is megírta. Főleg akkor teljes a nyelvi zűrzavar, ha az anyanyelvük sem ugyanaz! Létezik olyan segítség, amivel jobban boldogulunk a másik nem megértésében? A pszichológia könyvek már belefáradtak a témába, de mi most megpróbálkozunk. Ha megtanulsz pár kifejezést legújabb blog bejegyzésünkből, akkor legalább a nyelvi félreértés tutira kevesebb lesz! A Szex és New York sztárjai most a szex és szerelem kifogyhatatlan témájában bővítik angol tudásod. Na EZ biztosan kimaradt az angol órák anyagából! :)
English | Hungarian |
break up with someone | szakít valakivel |
the relationship is over | vége a kapcsolatnak |
move on | továbblép |
hurt someone | megbánt valakit |
cheat on someone | megcsal valakit |
obsess about/over something | megszállottan/rögeszmésen gondolkodik vmiről |
Let’s meet the four main characters of the series and read what they say about men, relationships, sex ... life.
Samantha Jones
She is the most promiscuous of the four since most of her storylines revolve around the frequent sex she has. She is outspoken and a self-proclaimed "try-sexual" (meaning she'll try anything at least once).
Carrie Bradshaw
She is on an endless search for true love, and refuses to settle for, as she puts it, "anything less than butterflies." Despite this, she repeatedly expresses doubts that she is the type to get married and raise a family.
Charlotte York
She is the most conservative and traditional of the group, placing more emphasis on emotional love than lust, and is always searching for her "knight in shining armour."
Miranda Hobbes
She is a career-minded lawyer with extremely cynical views on relationships and men.
English | Hungarian |
promiscuous | itt: sokakkal lefekszik |
revolve around sg | vmi körül forog |
outspoken | szókimondó |
proclaim | kihirdet, kinyilatkoztat |
refuse | megtagad |
repeatedly | ismételten |
doubts | kétségek |
place emphasis on something | hangsúlyt fektet vmire |
lust | testi vágy |
knight | lovag |
armour | páncél |
Charlotte quotes:
“Trey, you have a boner … I can’t discuss my notes if you have a boner!”
“It takes half the amount of time you dated someone to get over them.”
Samantha: “What are you wearing? The invitation said “kinky”.
Charlotte: “I kinked my hair.”
“Trey I am tired of being married to your penis.”
English | Hungarian |
a boner a hard-on |
erekció |
date someone go out with someone see someone |
jár valakivel |
get over sy or sg | túljut vkin, vmin |
kinky | perverz |
kink :) | összegubancol |
penis dick |
férfi nemiszerv |
Miranda quotes:
Miranda: “You haven't had a crush since Big.”
Carrie: “Big wasn't a crush. He was a crash.”
- “He has one ball, and I have a lazy ovary! In what twisted world does that create a baby?
It's like the Special Olympics of conception!”
English | Hungarian |
ball | 1. here 2. labda :) |
ovary | petefészek |
twisted | eltorzult |
conception | fogantatás |
have a crush on someone | belezúg valakibe |
crash | ütközés, baleset :) |
Samantha quotes:
- “The country runs better with a good looking man in the White House”.
- “A guy can just as easily dump you if you have sex with him on the first date as he can if you wait until the tenth.”
- “The good ones screw you, the bad ones screw you, and the rest don’t know how to screw you.”
English | Hungarian |
dump someone (he dumped her) end the relationship (she ended it) break up (they broke up) |
kirúg valakit végetvet a kapcsolatnak szakít |
screw someone | 1. kitol valakivel 2. szexel valakivel |
Carrie quotes:
- “People go to casinos for the same reason they go on blind dates - hoping to hit the jackpot. But mostly, you just wind up broke or alone in a bar.”
- “Are we simply romantically challenged, or are we sluts?”
- “After all, computers crash, people die, relationships fall apart. The best we can do is breath and reboot.”
Charlotte: "Trey and I have done it 73 times without a condom. Do you know how much perfectly fine semen that is?"
Carrie: "Hmm no...Samantha, rough estimate?"
English | Hungarian |
romantically challenged | lefordíthatatlan szarkasztikus szókapcsolat pl. horizontally challenged- pocakos |
a slut a whore a prostitute a hooker |
prostituált |
fall apart | szétesik |
reboot | újraindít (computert) |
a blind date | vakrandi |
hit the jackpot | megüti a főnyereményt |
wind up | kiköt vhol |
semen (ejtsd: “szímen”) | ondó |
seamen (ejtsd: “szímen”) | tengerész :) |
rough estimate | “sacperkábé” |
And finally: some ideas what to do if we have some difficulty “verbalizing our sexual issues” :)