Mogorva, akaratos és szemtelen. Abban valószínűleg mindenki egyetért, hogy Doktor House stílusa hagy némi kivetnivalót maga után, ám nála jobb orvost keresve sem találhatnánk a sorozatokban. Nem csoda hát, hogy idei első celebangol leckénknek ő lett a főszereplője. Hiszen bármennyire is mogorva a világ kedvenc dokija, mégis sokat tanulhatunk tőle. A következőkben Doktor House aranyköpései segítségével ismerkedhetsz meg a leggyakoribb orvosi szakszavakkal, ráadásul a rajongókat egy igazi csemege is várja egy kvíz formájában. A mellékhatásoktól pedig garantáltan nem kell tartanod!


Let’s start with some funny quotes from the series. Besides laughing, you can also learn some useful words in connection with health and illnesses.


"...treating illnesses is why we became doctors, treating patients is what makes most doctors miserable."
"Pretty much all the drugs I prescribe are addictive and dangerous."
"The treatments don't always work. Symptoms never lie."
Sebastian: "Every minute 4 people die of TB."
House: "Wow, how can you sleep at night?"
Sebastian: "There's people dying in Africa of a disease that we cured over 50 years ago ..."
House: "Yeah, I know. I saw the concert ...
Cameron: "Could pain medication cause an orgasm?"
House: "I wish."
House: "Yeah, sounds like a medical thing. It's called cataplexy. Catfight and cataplexy on the catwalk. Cool."
House: "When guys have brain/crotch problems, it's usually the result of using one too much and the other too little."
House: "Awesome. A sex fiend with a swollen tongue. Just think of all the places I can make Foreman search."
House: "So we have a new symptom to explain; why does his throat think his lungs are his stomach?"


We would like to help you with some expressions/sentences in case you have to go to the doctor’s (or call a health helpline) abroad.


Questions the doctor/receptionist can ask you:

  • 1. How can I help you?
  • 2. Do you have health/medical insurance?
  • 3. What are your symptoms?
  • 4. I need to ask you some questions ...
  • 5. Have you got a temperature?
  • 6. Are you taking any medicine at the moment?
  • 7. Do you have any allergies that you know of?
  • 8. Have you ever had any serious illnesses?
  • 9. When did you last have something to eat or drink?
  • 10. The best thing you can do is lie down/stay in bed for a couple of hours / take some aspirin / stick to a diet for a few days
  • 11. We’ll put plaster on it.
  • 12. We’ll put it in plaster(cast)


Your (the patient’s) possible answers/questions:

  • 1. I’m not feeling very well ...
  • 2. I’m not feeling too good ... just generally …
  • 3. I’ve got a sharp pain in my stomach / I have an upset stomach / My leg hurts / I have a severe headache / I have a sore throat and runny nose / I feel dizzy / I have a rash / I’ve vomited/thrown up/puked several times / I have diarrhoea
  • 4. I think I’ve broken / sprained my ankle.


Useful vocabulary

English Hungarian
treat kezel (betegséget)
patient beteg (páciens)
miserable nyomorult, nyomorúságos, szerencsétlen
prescribe felír (gyógyszert)
addictive függőséget okozó
treatment kezelés
symptom tünet
die of sg meghal vmiben
TB TBC (tüdőbaj)
disease betegség
cure meggyógyít
pain medication / painkiller fájdalomcsillapító
cataplexy kataplexia (összeesés izomtónus vesztés miatt)
catfight ált. nők közötti vita/verekedés
catwalk kifutó
brain agy
crotch ágyék
fiend megszállott
swollen tongue feldagadt nyelv
throat torok
lungs tüdő
stomach gyomor/has
medical/health insurance betegbiztosítás
temperature hőemelkedés, láz
allergy allergia
lie down lefekszik, ledől
stick to a diet diétát tart
(sticking) plaster - (put on plaster) sebtapasz - rátesz
plaster (cast) – (put it in plaster) gipsz - begipszel
sharp pain éles fájdalom
have an upset stomach rossz a gyomra
hurt fáj
severe/splitting headache éles/hasogató fejfájás
sore throat torokfájás
runny nose/his nose is running folyik az orra
feel dizzy szédül
rash kiütés
vomit/throw up/puke hány
diarrhoea hasmenés
break one’s ankle eltöri a bokáját
sprain one’s ankle kificamítja a bokáját

Let’s see how well you know the show! :) Choose the correct answer (a, b or c) in answer to the following questions.

  • 1. What department does House head?
    a) Diagnostic Medicine
    b) ER
    c) ICU
  • 2. What did House have in his leg that causes chronic pain?
    a) bone cancer
    b) infarction
    c) blood clot
  • 3. What drug is House addicted to?
    a) Xanax
    b) Vicodin
    c) Valium
  • 4. Which doctor went to Johns Hopkins Medical School?
    a) Doctor Cameron
    b) House
    c) Doctor Foreman
  • 5. What is Doctor Foreman’s specialty?
    a) Nephrology
    b) Immunology
    c) Neurology
  • 6. The hospital at which the show takes places is ...
    a) Saint Oliver Hospial
    b) Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital
    c) Providence Teaching Hospital
  • 7. The type of clinic that House hates to treat patients at is ...
    a) walk-in clinic
    b) dental clinic
    c) fertility clinic
  • 8. What does House say that all patients do?
    a) steal
    b) lie
    c) cry


Useful vocabulary for the quiz:

English Hungarian
department osztály
ER (emergency room) sürgősségi ellátás
ICU (Intensive Care Unit) intenzív osztály
bone csont
infarction infarktus
blood clot vérrög
be addicted to sg függő vmitől
Medical School (US) orvosi egyetem
nephrology nefrológia (vesebetegségek)
immunology immunológia
neurology ideggyógyászat
take place történik, játszódik
walk-in clinic járóbeteg rendelés
dental fogászati
fertility termékenység

Now watch a video about House’s clinic patients and answer the two questions below with two numbers. (the questions are in order)



  • 1. How many hours has the man in a blue shirt been waiting outside?
  • 2. On which level is House with his video game?



1. a
2. b
3. b
4. b, c
5. c
6. b
7. a
8. b

1. 2 (hours)
2. (level) 4

Címkék: külföldi sorozat celeb angol sztárok szótár nyelvtan dr house house md nyelvvizsga manhattan hugh laurie nyelviskola nyelvstúdió angol óra

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Leiter Jakab · 2011.02.23. 07:44:24

In question 4 ("Which doctor went to John Hopkins Medical School?") the name of the school is actually "Johns Hopkins" - note the s. And you have two correct answers - House and Foreman both went to Johns Hopkins.
süti beállítások módosítása