Mit szeretünk a britekben? Az időjárásukat? Kizárt. A konyhájukat? A legkevésbé sem. A „barátkozós, nyílt modorukat?” Nem hinnénk. Feltehetően sokszor ők is csak egy valami segítségével tudják elviselni ködös Albionukat, ez pedig a humor. Az angolok régóta roppantul élik az abszurd, fekete humort. E műfaj megkerülhetetlen alapvetése pedig a méltán népszerű Monthy Python csoport volt. Az alábbiakban tőlük lehet tanulni pár remek formális kifejezést, miközben könnyedén előfordulhat velünk, hogy a szóviccek miatti sok röhögés fizikai fájdalmakat okoz majd. Csak saját felelősségre!


Monty Python (sometimes known as The Pythons) were a famous British surreal comedy group, that created the BBC TV series Monty Python’s Flying Circus and several feature films, such as Monty Python And The Holy Grail, Monty Python’s Life Of Brian and Monty Python’s The Meaning Of Life. All were conceived, written and performed by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Michael Palin. They broke down barriers, provoked everyone without respect and they changed the way performers entertained audiences before. "Pythonesque" has entered the English lexicon as a result.

This episode however is not from their common effort but rather a John Cleese solo. In the late 70’s Monty Python took part in human rights campaign. They made fund-raise shows for the organisation Amnesty International under the moniker the Secret Policeman’s Ball. This video shows John Cleese introducing the world-famous Tina Turner to the audience – in an unusual way…


English Hungarian
feature film „nagy” film (egész estét betöltő)
conceive megfogan
barrier akadály, korlát
take part in sth részt vesz vhol/vmiben
fund-raise pénzgyűjtés (jótékony célra)

Now watch the video and read the text, trying to find the word-jokes in the text!


John Cleese: Ladies and gentlemen! Every now and again – and it’s rarely – a star is born. And less often, that star becomes a superstar. Occasionally, perhaps once in every three or four hundred years, such a superstar becomes a legend. And just once in the lifetime of each galaxy, such a legend becomes a myth. A rarer journey still is that from a myth to an amateur cathedral swallower. It’s my privilege tonight to introduce to you someone who has reached only the level of myth. Myth Tina Turner!
I’m sorry we hadn’t met before. Miss Turner, may I be the very first to welcome you here this evening?

Tina Turner: John, please do call me Tina!

John Cleese: I’d rather not if you don’t mind, it’s such an awful name.

Tina Turner: Than what do you prefer?

John Cleese: Err..I wonder that could I call you Eric?

Tina Turner: All right!

John Cleese: Eric, I hope you don’t my asking this but, haven’t you noticed that you have a slightly unusual accent, are you in fact black at all?

Tina Turner: Yes, I am in fact, black.

John Cleese: Black.

Tina Turner: Black.

John Cleese: Black and a woman too, absolutely splendid. And that is what you would like to talk about this evening?

Tina Turner: Oh, we can, but actually I’m here to sing.

John Cleese: Fine! Fine! Why not? Is that all right? Oh apparently there is an orchestra, how fortunate! I’m sorry I thought we were gonna discuss disadvantages. Now look, this is a microphone. If you sing in this end, the ladies and gentlemen will hear you better. Probably better if you face them, lots of teeth and smiles, and, well, jolly good luck, they are absolutely behind you so don’t be nervous, they’re very charitable, these charitable audiences, ha-ha-ha. And one word of advice when you’re singing, may I suggest you try and move around a bit, you know, preferably, in the rhythm of the music, if possible, (dances). That sort of. It’s just that. Not much.

Tina Turner: Actually John, I’d prefer to do something like a... (dances)

John Cleese: Yeah. Well, a word in your ear, Eric, people in this country don’t like a show-off. So, keep it a bit simple, you know, less is more, that kind of thing. What is the name of this sing that you are going to song tonight?

Tina Turner: I’m going to song…erm…sing Steamy Windows.

John Cleese: Steamy…fine! Ladies and gentlemen, would you please listen with great politeness and patience to Steamy Widows sung by my absolutely best friend, Myth Eric Turner!


Myth – mítosz
a sing you are going to song
Miss – kisasszony
a song you are going to sing
(az ige és a főnév felcserélése utalhat „sing” szlenges főnévi alakjára, amely egy bűntény elkövetésének bevallását jelenti, Cleese gunyoros hangvételéhez ez illik…)
Windows – ablakok Widows – özvegyek


Second phase: A good set of formal language phrases

I’d rather not if you don’t mind Ha nem bánja, inkább nem.
Fontos! A “mind” –os kifejzésekre az igenlőválasz az, hogy “no”. Mivel a” mind sth” azt jelenti, „bánni valamit”. Tehát, ha az a kérdés, hogy „Would you mind opening the window?” (Kinyitná az ablakot ön?) akkor az igenlőválasz: No, of course – Azaz, persze (nem bánnám), kinyitom.
I wonder that could I call you Eric? Szólíthatom esetleg Eriknek?
I hope you don’t my asking this but… Remélem nem haragszik meg, ha megkérdezem…
And one word of advice… És egy jótanács…

Címkék: külföldi monty python humor angol vicces sztárok funny nyelvtan manhattan nyelviskola culture john cleese brit angol angol óra

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