Egy kis New York-i városnézés

 2012.02.19. 15:28

New York a világ egy olyan ikonikus városa, ahova élete során mindenki szeretne legalább egyszer eljutni. Nem is csoda, hiszen olyan legendás helyek és épületek köthetők a nevéhez, mint a Szabadság-szobor, a Central Park vagy épp a Metropolitan Múzeum. Ha már álmodoztál róla, hogy milyen is lenne New Yorkban, ne várj tovább – gyere el a Celebangol blog virtuális városnézésre, hiszen Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island és a Bronx érintésével körbekalauzolunk a nagy alma minden híres pontján! Mire vársz még? (Virtuális) sétára fel!


The 5 boroughs of NEW YORK – Our visitors' guide


Watch te video where an American woman imitates the five different accents of the five boroughs of New York: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and Manhattan. :)


The Bronx

  • has the largest zoo in the United States


  • is the home of the New York Yankees. The original Yankee Stadium was opened in 1923.


  • Little Italy (Arthur Avenue) is the best place for bread, pasta, meat, pastries, espresso machines and the only place to buy Italian sausage.



  • The Brooklyn Bridge was the largest suspension bridge in the world when it was built (in the late 1800s)


  • Coney Island is a peninsula and beach on the Atlantic Ocean in southern Brooklyn and is famous for Nathan's Famous original hot dogs, the rides at the pier and baseball


  • Brighton Beach has one of the largest population of Russians (outside of Russia :)) and offers genuine flavours of Russian cuisine in many authentic shops and restaurants.


Staten Island

  • Fort Wadsworth once protected America's most important city and is located at the entrance to New York Harbor.


  • the Staten Island Ferry



  • You can't visit Queens without attending a Mets game at Citi Field!


  • The Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden is situated in a field that's always packed with musicians, card-players, and locals. Here you can drink ice-cold beer and eat Czech food and barbecue, and local snacks.



  • Although the Empire State Building is no longer the tallest skyscraper in the world, it is a popular stop for visitors in the City. It has an exterior observatory on the 86th store from which you can see up to 80 miles (approximately 128 km) away on a clear day.


  • Central Park is the most visited urban park in the US. It is filled with a broad variety of activities. You can walk, jog, run or cycle in spring, summer and autumn (fall) or ice-skate in winter. You can have your own wedding in the park or organise a special event.


  • When in NY you MUST visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) - and see the world! It is one of the world's largest museums and presents the best of human creativity from around the globe.


Useful vocabulary

English Hungarian
pastry sütemény
suspension (bridge) felfüggesztett, függő-
peninsula félsziget
pier móló
genuine eredeti, valódi
cuisine konyha(művészet)
authentic hiteles, eredeti
fort erőd
attend (verb) részt vesz
packed zsúfolt, tömött
exterior külső
observatory kilátó
urban városi
broad variety széles választék
fall (US) ősz / autumn
event esemény
globe föld(golyó)

Finally, follow this link and see where New York celebs, from Beyoncé to Heidi Klum, live in Manhattan. (There are some celebs included from Brooklyn too, but note that Heath Ledger does not live there any more :()

Címkék: külföldi new york celeb usa angol sztárok staten island queens brooklyn manhattan nyelviskola culture amerikai angol the bronx angol óra

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