Az elmúlt években a legmenőbb énekesnők is felfedezték maguknak fővárosunkat, Lady Gaga és Katy Perry után december 8-án egy újabb üdvöske, Rihanna áll majd a Budapest Sportaréna színpadára. Az extrém stílusú énekesnő tiszteletére ebben a leckénkben felelevenítjük az énekesnő szívszorító nótáját, a Take a Bow-t és még a dalszöveg legérdekesebb szófordulatait is megtanulhatod. Tekerd fel a hangerőt!


Rihanna: Take a bow

1. Look at this tag cloud. What might the song be about?


2. Now, listen to the first verse and fill in the gaps.


Oh, How about a round of _________, Yeah
A standing ovation
Oh, Yeah
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

You look so dumb right now
Standing ________ my house
Trying to apologize
You're so _______ when you cry
Please, just cut it out

Don't tell me __________ 'cause you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
But you put on _________
Really had me going
But now it's time to go
_________ finally closing
That was _____________
Very entertaining

But it's over now (but it's over now)
Go on and ____________


3. Listen to the second verse and match the two halves of the sentences

1. Grab your clothes
2. You better hurry up
3. Talking ‘bout
4. This just looks like a re-run
a) Please, what else is on (on)
b) Before the sprinklers come on (come on)
c) and get gone
d) Girl, I love you, you're the one

4. Listen to the last verse and choose the right word for each gap

Oh, And the award/reward for
The best lover/liar goes to you
For making/breaking me relieve/believe
That you could/would be faithful/grateful to me
Let's hear your speech/teach, Oh

To check your answers see the lyrics at the following link:


5. Multi-part verbs: match the multipart verbs with their definition

1. cut it out
2. put on a show
3. have someone going
4. it’s over
5. go on
6. take a bow
7. get gone
8. what is on?
a. start moving
b. what programmes are available
c. stop it
d. continue
e. acknowledge praise or accept credit
f. make someone excited
g. pretend to do or feel something
h. it ended


1c 2g 3f 4h 5d 6e 7a 8b

Címkék: külföldi celeb koncert angol sztárok dalszöveg nyelvtan rihanna manhattan amerikai angol

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